
Friday, January 04, 2013


New Year's resolutions aren't my bag, but you already know that. Even so, I think there's no reason I can't have some solid goals for the year. These are almost baby goals, you know the little bitty goals that aren't life changing but that still add to my happiness and sense of accomplishment. Small things.

  1. Life
    1. Go with the flow and accept things as they come. Stop fighting life so hard.
    2. Read more nonfiction and serious fiction
  2. Quilting
    1. Finish the baby quilt by the time my niece or nephew is born
    2. Get the finishing of quilt #1 complete
    3. Make one quilt from a proper pattern
    4. Go to quilting classes (for which I have gift certificates)
    5. Buy "stash" fabrics for future projects
  3. Other crafting
    1. Frame the wolf cross stitch for my mom
    2. Frame the butterfly cross stitch
    3. Finish the orchids
    4. Stuff and complete my pillows
    5. Knit Bunny a scarf
    6. Come up with an organizational system
  4. Food
    1. Learn Momma Bunny's banana bread recipe (it's the one thing I haven't been able to replicate)
    2. Make caramels
    3. Make a perfect macaron
    4. Find three new non-chain restaurants here that Bunny and I enjoy (so far, we have a barbeque place and a Thai place that are phenomenal in town, but anything else we go to the city for)
  5. Health
    1. Maintain my weight loss
    2. Cut out the pop (again - it's crept back into my diet since we've moved in with my mom)
    3. Do more cooking/eat more vegetables
  6. Marriage/Finances
    1. Complete the paper work for taking Bunny's name
    2. Finalize the budget and open a joint account
    3. Save another $10,000 towards the purchase of a home
    4. Go on some sort of vacation, for at least a full weekend
    5. Reach the halfway point of paying off my student loans Personal
    1. Send out the Thank You notes
    2. Send our favourite wedding picture to a friend who is going to turn it into a portrait
    3. Print and frame some of the wedding pictures
    4. Actually make and keep plans with my aunt

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