
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

summer cooking

I don't have an easy time cooking in the summer. It's hot, and sticky, and I don't really want to turn on the oven. I'm a freak of nature in that I'm not a huge BBQ fan, so that only hits the menu about once a week at Bunny's request (and he gets to cook). So, that leaves me with a stovetop, a microwave and a Foreman grill.

Which is great, except for the fact that there's only so much pasta we can eat, that I can only make fried rice so many times before we start getting sick of it. Most of my more complicated stovetop meals are of the heavier variety, and feel a little too hearty for the summer heat. I can make salads, but Bunny loves to tell me that he doesn't like eating rabbit food.

The real issue, though, is I've got a lot going on right now and I'm just not interested in food. I have no inspiration, and summer doesn't really lend itself to my favourite set-it-and-forget-it type meals.

Which is all to say that I need some help here. I'm desperately in need of some great summer recipes that can feed a woman with a little appetite as well as a human garbage disposal. So, I'm hoping you guys can help me out. What are your favourite summer foods?

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