
Sunday, November 06, 2011

oh the smells

This has been, without doubt, a great weekend. Two nights out with amazing friends, lots of great conversation and laughter and an excuse to wear the sexy boots (I'm in love) and have even more people tell me how much weight I've lost. I certainly can't complain about any of that.

If that was ALL that I had done this weekend, it would have been great.

My weekend, though, has been amazing. I've had snuggles in bed both mornings from Bunny (He Who Refuses To Sleep In). The cat was being rather cute today and came to sit by me on the couch, and I pet her. Which, given how antisocial and skittish this cat can be is a success. It's daylight savings, and I get an extra hour of sleep tonight. (I only ever notice it on the Monday morning.) Bunny and I have had a couple of good wedding talks (guest list, budget). I've spent some time on my needlepoint, and the area I've been avoiding is starting to come together.

Better than all that, though, has been the FOOD.

Friday, Bunny took over and we had some lovely barbequed chicken drums with snow peas and rice. It's always a bit of a treat when he takes over dinner, even if I do look at the kitchen as MINE. (Seriously. I'm pretty sure I stamped my name all over it.) I had a new glass jar that I was able to put my green lentils in, and I love how they look in a jar instead of a bag.

Then yesterday, I was kinda in a grumpy, lazy mood all morning and afternoon. Just no motivation to do anything. However, there has been this thought of cinnamon buns in my head all week, and I had a container of homemade caramel sauce in the fridge waiting for some love. Then I remembered that I can even do lazy-girl cinnamon buns and let the bread machine make the dough!

Holy freaking delicious. None of them lasted until today.

Can we stop for a moment and appreciate the ancient bread machine? That my mom must have gotten for Christmas at least 15 years ago ... and used for about a year. It had been gathering dust until my mom said "Either you take it or I throw it out". Bunny and I don't use it too often, but we are always impressed when we pull it out.

It's actually in use right now, making dough for some garlic dinner rolls ... that will be accompanying some fresh, home made pasta. New recipe, but I'm excited. Luckily I have another hand me down from my mother (this one was a wedding present - older than I am!) in the form of a pasta machine. So I'm going to give fettucine a go.

Fresh fettucine with some sauteed spinach, drizzled with a really lovely olive oil and some grated parmesan. That sounds like pure heaven in my mouth. and I'm excited to do a nice, thicker cut of pasta - I'm not into the spaghetti/spaghettini/angel hair type thing. I prefer my pasta to have some heft.

This is all saying nothing about the oatmeal cookies of doom. I tried a new cookie recipe from the 1001 Cookies book - and the base recipe made me so made that I actually crossed it out  so I could never make it again. I wasn't thrilled with the first tray. Actually, they are really yummy, but they are also a pain in the ass and that part I just didn't want to deal with. I modified the dough after the first tray came out, and am much happier with those ones ... but I'd rather start with a decent recipe and then if I want to change things I can do so easily.

Suffice it to say, all weekend while I have been home there has been this beautiful aroma coming from my kitchen.

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